Welding conditions and symbols are an important parameter that determines the quality of a weld. It is also a necessary variable in WPS, if we change welding position then WPS will also change for a particular position.
Welding position
Welding position refers to the combination of position and angle used for joining the metals to their specific position.
If you are doing any work related to welding, then it is very important for you to know the welding position. There are four different welding positions which can be defined as follows: flat, horizontal, vertical and ,overhead position It varies slightly in plate and pipe welding conditions. Numbers and alphabetical letters are used to clearly define the weld position, such as G for groove joint and F for fillet joint, while 1,2,3,4,5, etc. indicate weld position.
- Flat Position
This position is the most common and easiest to learn. The workpiece being welded is horizontal in a flat position and parallel to the ground (or whatever surface it is on). This also means that your eyes should be looking directly at the workpiece, not up or to the side.
2-Horizontal position
In this position, the welded workpiece is horizontal and parallel to the ground
3. Vertical Position
The third welding position is vertical, it forms a straight line from top to bottom, and the workpiece being welded is perpendicular to this line.
4. Overhead Position
Overhead position means it is done with the head looking up. The welder will weld under the job by looking upward. Inclined Position
Tilt means that something is tilted at an angle other than vertical or horizontal. In this process, the work piece is inclined at a 45-degree angle and welding is done around the work piece. In this method, all the positions are covered, i.e. welding has to be done in all the four positions.
The Welding Symbols For Different Positions
Welding Position
1FFillet>> Weld Flat Position
1GGroove>> Weld Flat Position
2FFillet >>Weld Horizontal Position
2GGroove >>Weld Horizontal Position
3FFillet >>Weld Vertical Position
3GGroove>> Weld Vertical Position
4FFillet >>Weld Overhead Position
4GGroove Weld Overhead Position